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Homelessness and Rough Sleeper Strategy consultation logoHomelessness and Rough Sleeper Strategy consultation

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Preventing Homelessness and Rough Sleeper Strategy consultation has now ended

Thank you to everyone who participated in our Preventing Homelessness and Rough Sleeper Strategy consultation. We have had a great response rate, with 41 surveys returned. We much appreciate the time taken to give us your views.

The survey results will provide us with invaluable data to help inform our Strategy. Analysis of the results and what they tell us is currently underway and will be made available for you to view as soon as we are able.

We aim to present the Strategy to Cabinet for approval so that it will be published by April 2024. Once approved, this document will be available to view on our website (details to follow).

If you have any queries or need more information, please contact our dedicated Housing Strategy team – email: / tel. 01395 571615.

Posted on 9th January 2024

by East Devon District Council

Residents and organisations of East Devon are encouraged to have their say on the draft Preventing Homelessness and Rough Sleeper Strategy 2023-2028

We, East Devon District Council, have drafted our Preventing Homelessness and Rough Sleeper Strategy and invite the people of East Devon to share their thoughts in a six-week consultation.

We are keen to hear from individuals as well as organisations and charities about what you think of our plans for the future of homelessness and rough sleeping in East Devon.

You are invited to have your say before the consultation closes on Tuesday 9 January 2024.

Get involved here:

Posted on 28th November 2023

by Housing team